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計劃中文名稱: 在B5G行動通訊網路使用疊加與穿孔技術動態調整資源區塊的機制

5G行動通訊網路中的兩項應用分別為增強型行動寬頻(enhanced Mobile BroadBand, eMBB)與極高可靠與即時性通訊(Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications, URLLC),eMBB的應用有隨選視訊(Movie on Demand, MOD)的影音串流等,MOD的編碼位元率(Encoding Bit Rate, EBR)會隨著時間而改變,本計畫稱為變動位元率(Variable Bit Rate, VBR),MOD的VBR特性會導致eMBB使用者無法充分使用被分配到的子載波(Subcarriers),最終造成網路頻寬的浪費。另一方面,URLLC的應用有無人機與無人車等,此類應用需要即時性與高可靠度的傳送封包,當5G基地台已將所有的無線資源區塊(Resource Blocks, RBs)全部分配出去時,URLLC使用者可能會因為無法獲得RB而失去傳輸封包所需的即時性。為了解決上述問題,本計畫在B5G (Beyond 5G)行動通訊網路中針對eMBB與URLLC分別使用疊加(Superposition)與穿孔(Puncturing)技術來設計一個動態分配資源區塊的演算法。疊加技術會依序(按照頻率的高低)將已連線的eMBB未使用的子載波做累加,累加得到的子載波可以增加新連線eMBB使用者的資料傳輸率(Data Rate, DR)。另一方面,穿孔技術會針對eMBB使用者的一條或多條未使用的子載波,將其時槽(Time Slot)切割成多個微型時槽(Mini-Slots),這些微型時槽讓新連線的URLLC使用者達成即時性與高可靠度的傳送需求。我們預計使用Network Simulator 3 (NS-3)模擬本計畫所提出的動態分配資源區塊演算法,我們預計設計三種不同情境,分別為只使用疊加、只使用穿孔、同時使用疊加與穿孔,從模擬結果中,我們將驗證同時使用疊加與穿孔技術可以有效降低封包遺失率、大幅提高eMBB與URLLC使用者的平均Throughput、有效增加eMBB與URLLC使用者的個數。

關鍵字 :B5G行動通訊網路、eMBB、URLLC、VBR、疊加、穿孔。

Enhanced Mobile BroadBand (eMBB) and Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications (URLLC) are the two major applications of 5G mobile communication networks. eMBB applications include video streaming, such as Movie on Demand (MOD), where the Encoding Bit Rate (EBR) of a video stream changes over time. In this proposal, it is referred to as Variable Bit Rate (VBR). The VBR feature of MOD causes eMBB users unable to fully utilize the allocated subcarriers, which lead to the waste of network bandwidth. On the other hand, URLLC applications, such as UAVs and autonomous vehicles, require real-time and high reliability to transmit control packets. When a 5G base station has allocated all the resource blocks (RBs), URLLC users may lose the real-time capability to transmit control packets due to the unavailability of RBs. To solve these problems, in this project, we will design a dynamic RB allocation algorithm using superposition and puncturing for eMBB and URLLC users in B5G mobile communication networks. Superposition will accumulate the unused subcarriers of the connected eMBB users in order (by frequencies). The accumulated subcarriers can offer data rate requirements for the newly connected eMBB users. On the other hand, puncturing will cut an eMBB user's one or more unused subcarriers into multiple mini-slots, which can help the newly connected URLLC users to achieve real-time and high-reliability transmission requirements. We will use Network Simulator 3 (NS-3) to simulate the proposed algorithm. From the simulation results, we will validate that using both superposition and puncturing techniques in B5G mobile communication networks can largely reduce packet loss rate, significantly increase the average throughput of eMBB and URLLC users, and effectively increase the number of eMBB and URLLC connections.

關鍵字 :B5G mobile communication networks, eMBB, URLLC, VBR, superposition, puncturing.










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